Adobe Photoshop Advanced: Print and Photography
2-Day Live Class
10AM - 5PM

Who Should Attend?
Those involved in any area of digital media, including desktop publishing, multimedia design, web design, digital video editing, and other disciplines for which Photoshop is the industry standard, photographers and artists who work with photographs
- Practical working knowledge of computers and basic Mac OS X or Windows skills.
- Photoshop Fundamentals: An Introduction to Photoshop class or equivalent experience is recommended.
Upcoming Course Dates
Adobe Photoshop Advanced – Print and Photography | Starts on 05/11/2023
Adobe Photoshop Advanced – Print and Photography | Starts on 07/13/2023
Course Outline
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. At his/her discretion, the instructor may adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.
Lesson 1: Understanding How Digital Images Work
- RGB, CMYK, LAB and HSB Color Modes
- Image and Canvas Size
- Image Resolution
- Pixel Aspect Ratios
- Bits per Channel
- Alpha Channels
Lesson 2: Adobe Bridge
- Working with Workspaces
- Viewing and Managing Files
- Metadata and Keywords
- Using Collections and Smart Collections
- Running Automated Scripts and Actions
Lesson 3: Camera Raw Overview
- About Camera Raw Files
- Processing Files in Camera Raw
- Using Camera RAW as a Filter
- Smart Object Advantages
- Tone & Curves
- Detail
- Grayscale Split Toning
- Lens Corrections
- Effects
- Camera Calibration Presets
- Previewing Before & After Options
- Editing Multiple Files
- Saving and Opening RAW Files
Lesson 4: Camera RAW Tools
- White Balance Tool
- Color Sampler Tool
- Targeted Adjustment Tool
- Transform Tool
- Spot Removal Tool
- Red Eye Removal Tool
- Adjustment Brush Tool
- Gradient Filter Tool
- Radial Filter Tool
Lesson 5: Lightroom vs Bridge
- Benefits of Using Lightroom
- Working with RAW Files in Bridge
Lesson 6: HDR Images
- 16-bit & 32-bit Color Spaces
- Creating High Dynamic Range Images
- Options for Combining Bracketed Shots
Lesson 7: Selecting Techniques
- Using the Object Select Tool
- Selecting by Focus Area
- Selecting by Color
- Selecting by Channels
- Quick Mask Mode vs Pen Tool vs Selecting tools
- Using Select & Mask Workspace
- Using Raster and Vector Masks
- Using Adjustment Layers with Masks
Lesson 8: Correcting Images
- Adding Depth of Field with the Blur Gallery
- Perspective, Warp, and Puppet Warp
- Transform & Liquify
- Content-Aware Scaling
- Content-Aware Fill
- Healing Tools
Lesson 9: Smart Objects
- Creating and Editing Smart Objects
- Copying vs. Placing
- Converting a layer to a Smart Object
- Releasing Smart Objects to Layers
- Removing Transformations from Smart Objects
- Replacing the Contents of Smart Objects
- Exporting Smart Object Content
- Rasterizing Smart Objects
Lesson 10: Layer Comps and History
- Creating and Editing Layer Comps
- Exporting Layer Comps
- Using Non-Linear History
- Creating and Using History States
Lesson 11: Painting, Creating and Using Brushes
- Selecting Brush Settings
- Creating a Custom Brush Preset
- The Mixer Brush
- Using Filter Gallery Instead of a Brush
- Mixing colors with a Photograph
- Working with Kyle Brushes
Lesson 12: Actions and Scripts
- Understanding Actions
- Using Actions
- Creating Actions
- Exporting and Saving Actions
- Batch Processing Using Actions and Scripts
Lesson 13: Producing and Printing Consistent Color
- About Color Management
- Setting up Color-Management
- Proofing an Image on Screen
- Preparing Files for Print
- Converting an Image to CMYK
- Saving the Image as a CMYK EPS File
- Printing to InkJet Printers
- Printing a CMYK Image from Photoshop