Audition Fundamentals: An Introduction to Audition CC
3-Day Live Class
10AM - 5PM
Who Should Attend?
This class is designed for those who want to learn music production and composition using Adobe Audition.
- Practical working knowledge of computers and basic Mac OS X or Windows skills.
- Basic knowledge of audio terminology is recommended.
Upcoming Course Dates
Adobe Audition Fundamentals: An Introduction to Audition | Starts on 04/26/2023
Adobe Audition Fundamentals: An Introduction to Audition | Starts on 07/26/2023
Course Outline
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. At his/her discretion, the instructor may adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.
Lesson 1: Set up Adobe Audition CC
- Audio interface basics
- Mac OS and Windows Audio Setup
- Testing Inputs
- Using External Interfaces
- Keyboard Shortcuts
Lesson 2: The Audition Interface
- Waveform vs. MultiTrack Interfaces
- Audition Workspaces
- Explore the Audition Interface
Lesson 3: Waveform Editing
- Opening vs. Importing Files
- Working with Video Files
- Selecting Regions
- Cut, Copy, and Paste Usages
- Using Multiple Clipboards
- Using Mix Paste
- Creating Loops
- Showing Waveform Data under the Cursor
- Adding Fades
Lesson 4: Effects
- Effects basics
- Using the Effects Rack
- Effect Categories
- Amplitude and Compression Effects
- Delay and Echo effects
- Filter and EQ effects
- Modulation Effects
- Noise Reduction/Restoration
- Reverb Effects
- Special Effects
- Stereo Imagery Effects
- Time and Pitch Effects
- Third-Party Effects (VST and AU)
- Using the Effects Menu
- Making Presets and Favorites
Lesson 5: Audio Restoration
- About Audio Restoration
- Reducing Hiss
- Reducing Crackles
- Reducing Pops and Clicks
- Reducing Broadband Noise
- De-humming a file
- Removing Artifacts
- Manual Sound Removal
- The Spot Healing Brush
- Automated Sound Removal
Lesson 6: Mastering
- Mastering basics
- Equalization
- Dynamics
- Ambiance
- Stereo Imaging
- Mastering Diagnostic
Lesson 7: Sound Design
- Sound Design Basics
- Generate Noise, Speech, and Tones
- Creating Rain and Natural Sounds
- Creating a Babbling Brook
- Creating Insects at Night
- Creating an Alien Choir
- Creating Sci-Fi Machine Effects
- Creating an Alien Drone Flyby
- Extracting Frequency Bands
Lesson 8: Creating and Recording Files
- Setting and Preparing for Recording
- Direct Recording in the Waveform Editor
- Recording into the MultiTrack Editor
- Checking Free Space
- Dragging into an Audition Editor
- Importing Tracks from Audio CD’s
Lesson 9: Multitrack Sessions
- Creating a Multitrack Session
- Using and Creating Multitrack Session Templates
- Multitrack and Waveform Editor Integration
- Changing Track Colors
- Using the Tracks Panel
- Track Controls
- Selecting, Moving and Copying Clips
- Multitrack Editor Effects Rack
- Looping Selections
- Using Remix on Clips
- Channel Mapping in the Multitrack Editor
Lesson 10: Multitrack Session Mixing
- Create a Mixtape
- Mixing and Exporting Clips
- Merging Clips
- Editing Clip Length
- Clip edits: Split, Trim, Volume
- Extending Clips via Looping and Remix
- Normalizing Tracks
- Setting Track Gain
- Working with Panning
Lesson 11: Automation
- About Automation
- Clip Automation
- Track Automation
- Effect Automation
Lesson 12: Video Sound Tracks
- Multitrack Session Video
- Dynamic Link with Adobe Premiere Projects
- Automatic Speech Alignment
- Adding Effects
Lesson 13: The Essential Sound Panel
- Automating Tasks
- Assigning Audio Types
- Essential Sound Panel Presets
- Essential Sound Basics
- Mastering with the Essential Sound Panel
Lesson 14: The Multitrack Mixer
- Audio Mixer Basics
- Multitrack Editor
- Mixer Basics
- Showing and Hiding Sections of the Mixer
- Adjusting the Mixer Fader Heights
- Effects Rack Inserts and Sends
- Resizing Group of Channels in the Mixer
- Color Coding Channels
- Rearranging the Mixer Channel Order
Lesson 15: Creating Music with Sound Libraries
- Using Audition Sound Libraries
- Preparing and Building a Rhythm Track
- Adding Percussion
- Adding Melodic Elements
- Using Loops with Varying Pitch and Tempo
- Adding Effects
Lesson 16: Recording and Output in the Multitrack Editor
- Preparing to Record a Track
- Setting up the Metronome
- File Management
- Recording to a Track
- Recording Overdubs
- Using Punch and Roll
- Composite Recording
- Exporting a Stereo Mix
- Exporting with Adobe Media Encoder