Advanced ColdFusion 10 Development
3-Day Live Class
10AM - 5PM

Who Should Attend?
Web development professionals who are experienced with ColdFusion and want to learn advanced development techniques.
To gain the most from the class, you should already have:
- Fast Track to ColdFusion 10 or equivalent experience
- Practical experience using CFML tags, functions and variables.
- Practical experience with the SQL command set, including SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE
Upcoming Course Dates
Advanced ColdFusion 10 Development | Starts on 05/17/2023
Advanced ColdFusion 10 Development | Starts on 08/16/2023
Course Outline
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. At his/her discretion, the instructor may adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Components
- Creating ColdFusion Components (CFC)
- CFC Syntax
- Invoking Static CFC Methods
- Using the Application Framework
- Configuring Application Settings
- Handling Application Events
- Handling Request Events
- Locking Shared Scope Variables
- Handling Session Events
Lesson 2: Manipulating Lists and Queries
- Using Lists
- The Query Object
- Summarizing Group Data
- Transaction Processing
- Querying a Query
Lesson 3: Manipulating Data and Arrays with Structures
- Using Arrays
- Using Structures
- Using Built-In ColdFusion Data Structures
- Dynamically Evaluating Variables
- Combining Data Structures
- Accessing Data by Value or Reference
Lesson 4: Advanced Component Concepts
- Instance-Based Components
- Creating Dynamic Getter/Setter Proxies with onMissingMethod
- Using Built-In Components
- Prototyping Components with cfinterface
Lesson 5: Handling Errors and Exceptions
- Error Handling
- Customizing Application Error Messages
- Application-Wide Error Handling
- Handling Exceptions with Try/Catch
- Exception Handling Frameworks
Lesson 6: Code and Content Reuse
- Creating Custom Tags
- Using Custom Tag Attributes
- Setting Results on the Calling Page
- Calling Custom Tags
- Creating CFML Simple Nested Custom Tags
- .NET Integration with ColdFusion 10
- Creating Web Services
- Calling Web Services
Lesson 7: Working with PDF Files and Forms
- Generate PDF Files from ColdFusion
- Manipulating PDF Files with cfpdf
- Pre-filling PDF Forms
- Posting Data from a PDF Form to ColdFusion
Lesson 8: Data and File Manipulation in ColdFusion 10
- Manipulating Image Data with cfimage
- Reading and Storing Image Data
- Image Processing
- Creating RSS Feeds
- Consuming RSS with CFFEED
Lesson 9: Scaling Applications
- Scalability Bottlenecks
- Caching Recordsets
- Caching Generated Results with cf_accelerate
- Caching Entire Page Results
- Using Asynchronous Process to Improve Performance